ঢাকা ০৯:২২ অপরাহ্ন, বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৪ অক্টোবর ২০২৪, ৯ কার্তিক ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ
চাঁদাবাজির অভিযোগে সুনামগঞ্জে বৈষম্যবিরোধী আন্দোলনের নেতা ইমনকে অবাঞ্ছিত ঘোষণা কালিগঞ্জে হয়রানি, ষড়যন্ত্র ও মিথ্যাচারের প্রতিবাদে সংবাদ সম্মেলন অনুষ্ঠিত কালিগঞ্জে বড়শিমলা কারবালা মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয়ে এইচপিভি টীকাদান কর্মসূচীর উদ্বোধন করেন ডা: বুলবুল কবীর কালিগঞ্জে বেসরকারি স্বেচ্ছাসেবী সংগঠন ও অসচ্ছল ব্যক্তিদের চেক বিতরণ দেশ নায়ক তারেক রহমানের নেতৃত্বেই আগামীর বাংলাদেশ গড়তে চাই – এ্যাডঃ সৈয়দ ইফতেখার আলী শ্যামনগরে আশ্রয়কেন্দ্র ব্যবস্থাপনার উপর ওরিয়েন্টশন আসুন সবাই মিলে আমাদের সমস্যা আমরাই সমাধান করি নবাগত জেলা প্রশাসক মোস্তাক আহমেদ নয়নতারা মহিলা সমবায় সমিতি লিমিটেডের বার্ষিক সাধারণ সভা অনুষ্ঠিত কালিগঞ্জে দোয়েল মহিলা উন্নয়ন সমবায় সমিতি লিমিটেডের বার্ষিক সাধারণ সভা অনুষ্ঠিত শ্যামনগরে হরিণের মাংস সহ আটক দুই

Training of Trainers on Road Safety for Journalism Starts

  • Sound Of Community
  • পোস্ট করা হয়েছে : ০৫:২৮:৫৬ পূর্বাহ্ন, রবিবার, ৩ মার্চ ২০২৪
  • ৯২ জন পড়েছেন ।

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio & Communication (BNNRC), supported by the Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) and the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), organized a two-day long Training of Trainers on Road Safety in Bangladesh. This significant event took place on March 2-3 at the Savar CCDB Hope Center, focusing on enhancing the reporting skills of journalists in road safety, employing the Safe System Approach.

The training aimed to equip 21 journalists with the knowledge and skills necessary to report on road safety effectively. Participants were selected from a wide range of media outlets such as Daily Newspaper; Independent TV; Public and Private TV channels; Online News Portals; and News Agencies.

Sessions covered topics such as Road Safety: Global Perspectives and Local Context; Global, Safe Road Safety Approach, Comprehensive Road Safety Law and Risk Factor, Crash Reporting, Fact-checking verification tools and resources for journalists for reporting on Road Safety, Constructive interview techniques, The decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, SDGs and Road Safety); Road Safety Overview in Bangladesh- Scale of Road Safety Problems; Safe; Multimodel Transport & Land use planning; Safe Road Infrastructure; Safe Vehicles, Safe Road use; Post-Crash Response; Comprehensive Road Safety Law; Road safety challenges; Data Collection and Reporting Challenges in Bangladesh;

The Sessions were facilitated by Mr. AHM Bazlur Rahman, CEO (BNNRC), Mr. Rehan Uddin Ahmed Raju, Consultant, BNNRC, Mr. Taifur Rahman, Grants Manager, GRSP, Dr. Shariful Alam Country Coordinator, (GHAI), Mr. Kazi Shifun Newaz, Assistant Professor, ARI, BUET ‍and Mr. Mervyn Christian, Director Advocacy, GHAI.

The training was initiated with opening remarks by Dr. Shariful Alam (GHAI), AHM Bazlur Rahman (CEO BNNRC), Mr, and Mr. Rehan Uddin Ahmed Raju, setting a collaborative tone for the days ahead. Ms. Shahnaz Sharmmen moderated a vibrant open discussion session, further enriching the learning experience. Mr. Saifun Newaz discussed and shared his experiences on Crash Investigation and reporting.

As the event concluded, Mr. AHM Bazlur Rahman, Mr. Taifur Rahman, and Dr. Shariful Alam extended a vote of thanks, emphasizing the anticipated outcome of journalists enhancing their reporting on road safety through an evidence-based approach.

It is expected that after the training journalist will improve their capacity to produce in-depth reports on Road Safety issues and the Safe System Approach and also on comprehensive Road Safety law and policy issues following the evidence-based approach.

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রিপোর্টার সম্পর্কে

Sound Of Community

জনপ্রিয় সংবাদ

চাঁদাবাজির অভিযোগে সুনামগঞ্জে বৈষম্যবিরোধী আন্দোলনের নেতা ইমনকে অবাঞ্ছিত ঘোষণা

Training of Trainers on Road Safety for Journalism Starts

পোস্ট করা হয়েছে : ০৫:২৮:৫৬ পূর্বাহ্ন, রবিবার, ৩ মার্চ ২০২৪

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio & Communication (BNNRC), supported by the Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) and the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), organized a two-day long Training of Trainers on Road Safety in Bangladesh. This significant event took place on March 2-3 at the Savar CCDB Hope Center, focusing on enhancing the reporting skills of journalists in road safety, employing the Safe System Approach.

The training aimed to equip 21 journalists with the knowledge and skills necessary to report on road safety effectively. Participants were selected from a wide range of media outlets such as Daily Newspaper; Independent TV; Public and Private TV channels; Online News Portals; and News Agencies.

Sessions covered topics such as Road Safety: Global Perspectives and Local Context; Global, Safe Road Safety Approach, Comprehensive Road Safety Law and Risk Factor, Crash Reporting, Fact-checking verification tools and resources for journalists for reporting on Road Safety, Constructive interview techniques, The decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, SDGs and Road Safety); Road Safety Overview in Bangladesh- Scale of Road Safety Problems; Safe; Multimodel Transport & Land use planning; Safe Road Infrastructure; Safe Vehicles, Safe Road use; Post-Crash Response; Comprehensive Road Safety Law; Road safety challenges; Data Collection and Reporting Challenges in Bangladesh;

The Sessions were facilitated by Mr. AHM Bazlur Rahman, CEO (BNNRC), Mr. Rehan Uddin Ahmed Raju, Consultant, BNNRC, Mr. Taifur Rahman, Grants Manager, GRSP, Dr. Shariful Alam Country Coordinator, (GHAI), Mr. Kazi Shifun Newaz, Assistant Professor, ARI, BUET ‍and Mr. Mervyn Christian, Director Advocacy, GHAI.

The training was initiated with opening remarks by Dr. Shariful Alam (GHAI), AHM Bazlur Rahman (CEO BNNRC), Mr, and Mr. Rehan Uddin Ahmed Raju, setting a collaborative tone for the days ahead. Ms. Shahnaz Sharmmen moderated a vibrant open discussion session, further enriching the learning experience. Mr. Saifun Newaz discussed and shared his experiences on Crash Investigation and reporting.

As the event concluded, Mr. AHM Bazlur Rahman, Mr. Taifur Rahman, and Dr. Shariful Alam extended a vote of thanks, emphasizing the anticipated outcome of journalists enhancing their reporting on road safety through an evidence-based approach.

It is expected that after the training journalist will improve their capacity to produce in-depth reports on Road Safety issues and the Safe System Approach and also on comprehensive Road Safety law and policy issues following the evidence-based approach.