ঢাকা ০৪:৪১ অপরাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ২২ অক্টোবর ২০২৪, ৭ কার্তিক ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ
আসুন সবাই মিলে আমাদের সমস্যা আমরাই সমাধান করি নবাগত জেলা প্রশাসক মোস্তাক আহমেদ নয়নতারা মহিলা সমবায় সমিতি লিমিটেডের বার্ষিক সাধারণ সভা অনুষ্ঠিত কালিগঞ্জে দোয়েল মহিলা উন্নয়ন সমবায় সমিতি লিমিটেডের বার্ষিক সাধারণ সভা অনুষ্ঠিত শ্যামনগরে হরিণের মাংস সহ আটক দুই সাতক্ষীরা সাস্থ্য উন্নয়ন কমিটির বর্ধিত সভায় ২৬ অক্টোবর খুলনা রোড মোড় মানব বন্ধনের সিদ্ধান্ত খুলনা প্রেসক্লাবে ক্রীড়া ও সংস্কৃতি উপ-পরিষদের সভা অনুষ্ঠিত কালিগঞ্জে জাতীয় ইঁদুর দমন অভিযান অনুষ্ঠিত  কালিগঞ্জে তরুন দলের কমিটি গঠন সভাপতি সুলতান,সম্পাদক আলতাপ পানি নিষ্কাশনে ইউএনও,র প্রাণপণ চেষ্টা অব্যহত তালার তেঁতুলিয়া ইউনিয়ন আবারও পানিবন্ধী বিশ্বনবী হযরত মোহাম্মদ সঃ কে কটুক্তির প্রতিবাদে রূপসা বিক্ষোভ সমাবেশ অনুষ্ঠিত

Multi-stakeholders’ Seminar Promoting Health Services for All: Present Situation, Challenges and Way Forward

  • Sound Of Community
  • পোস্ট করা হয়েছে : ১০:০৮:২০ পূর্বাহ্ন, রবিবার, ৩ এপ্রিল ২০২২
  • ৩০৪ জন পড়েছেন ।

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) organized a Multi-stakeholders’ Seminar on “Promoting Health Services for All: Present Situation, Challenges and Way Forward” for an in-depth discussion on health-service issues to ensure quality health services for all with the support of The Asia Foundation on 03 April 2022 at BDS Auditorium, Barishal.

The purpose of the seminar was to discuss with multi-stakeholders about the current status of the health sector, challenges to get quality health services, and ways to forward at different levels to enhance the capacity of the health sector and consider how to make healthcare more accessible and utilize the existing resources properly. Around 40 participants from CSOs, Government offices, representatives from the journalists, teachers, elected representatives, and the representatives of the Civil Society participated in the seminar.

At the beginning of the seminar, Ms. Jhumu Karmaker, News Presenter, Bangladesh Betar, Barishal introduced the participants of the seminar and moderated the whole program. Mr. Shamsul Islam Dipu, Mission Head, Speed Trust welcomed all the participants and Mr. AHM Bazlur Rahman, CEO of BNNRC, discussed the initiatives in the health sector taken by Government as well as the goal, objectives and perspectives of the seminar.

Mr. Shubhankar Chakraborty, Journalist and Cultural Activist, Barishal presented the keynote addressing the seminar titled “Promoting Health Services for All: Present Situation, Challenges and Way Forward”. After the presentation of the keynote, the participants took part in a lively open discussion and provided their valuable opinions and suggestions on the health issues and ensure better health services for all.

Dr. Maria Hasan, Civil Surgeon, Barishal mentioned about different initiative of government. Dr. H. M. Saiful Islam, Director (Sher-e-Bangla MCH) in his speech pointed out that the provision of health services for the student and other opportunities of the health services of his institution.  Dr. Md. Humayun Shaheen Khan, Director (Health), Barishal Division was present as the special guest and said that the cooperation all walks of life is needed to improve health services for all.

Mr. Khandaker Anwar Hossain, Additional Divisional Commissioner, Revenue, Barishal as the Chief Guest of the seminar, said that concerted efforts needed to develop the situation but the government has been working to improve the situation. Mr. Md. Sohel Maruf Additional Deputy Commissioner, Education& ICT of Barishal, in his speech as the Chair of the Seminar, said that we should work together for better health services for all. Mr. Hiren Pandit, Program Coordinator, BNNRC gave a vote of thanks to all for taking part in a lively discussion. The Speed Trust was responsible for the management of the seminar.

It is hoped that the issues raised in the seminar and the open discussion will be able to play a helpful and effective role in ensuring the provision of quality healthcare to all, especially to the disadvantaged and marginalized people.

BNNRC is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) accredited with World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), SDGs Media Compact of the United Nations, and UN WSIS prize winner 2016, Champion 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2021. BNNRC’s approach to media development is both knowledge-driven and context-sensitive, and it takes into account the challenges and opportunities created by the rapidly changing media environment in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Press Released:Barishal, 03 April 2022

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রিপোর্টার সম্পর্কে

Sound Of Community

জনপ্রিয় সংবাদ

আসুন সবাই মিলে আমাদের সমস্যা আমরাই সমাধান করি নবাগত জেলা প্রশাসক মোস্তাক আহমেদ

Multi-stakeholders’ Seminar Promoting Health Services for All: Present Situation, Challenges and Way Forward

পোস্ট করা হয়েছে : ১০:০৮:২০ পূর্বাহ্ন, রবিবার, ৩ এপ্রিল ২০২২

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) organized a Multi-stakeholders’ Seminar on “Promoting Health Services for All: Present Situation, Challenges and Way Forward” for an in-depth discussion on health-service issues to ensure quality health services for all with the support of The Asia Foundation on 03 April 2022 at BDS Auditorium, Barishal.

The purpose of the seminar was to discuss with multi-stakeholders about the current status of the health sector, challenges to get quality health services, and ways to forward at different levels to enhance the capacity of the health sector and consider how to make healthcare more accessible and utilize the existing resources properly. Around 40 participants from CSOs, Government offices, representatives from the journalists, teachers, elected representatives, and the representatives of the Civil Society participated in the seminar.

At the beginning of the seminar, Ms. Jhumu Karmaker, News Presenter, Bangladesh Betar, Barishal introduced the participants of the seminar and moderated the whole program. Mr. Shamsul Islam Dipu, Mission Head, Speed Trust welcomed all the participants and Mr. AHM Bazlur Rahman, CEO of BNNRC, discussed the initiatives in the health sector taken by Government as well as the goal, objectives and perspectives of the seminar.

Mr. Shubhankar Chakraborty, Journalist and Cultural Activist, Barishal presented the keynote addressing the seminar titled “Promoting Health Services for All: Present Situation, Challenges and Way Forward”. After the presentation of the keynote, the participants took part in a lively open discussion and provided their valuable opinions and suggestions on the health issues and ensure better health services for all.

Dr. Maria Hasan, Civil Surgeon, Barishal mentioned about different initiative of government. Dr. H. M. Saiful Islam, Director (Sher-e-Bangla MCH) in his speech pointed out that the provision of health services for the student and other opportunities of the health services of his institution.  Dr. Md. Humayun Shaheen Khan, Director (Health), Barishal Division was present as the special guest and said that the cooperation all walks of life is needed to improve health services for all.

Mr. Khandaker Anwar Hossain, Additional Divisional Commissioner, Revenue, Barishal as the Chief Guest of the seminar, said that concerted efforts needed to develop the situation but the government has been working to improve the situation. Mr. Md. Sohel Maruf Additional Deputy Commissioner, Education& ICT of Barishal, in his speech as the Chair of the Seminar, said that we should work together for better health services for all. Mr. Hiren Pandit, Program Coordinator, BNNRC gave a vote of thanks to all for taking part in a lively discussion. The Speed Trust was responsible for the management of the seminar.

It is hoped that the issues raised in the seminar and the open discussion will be able to play a helpful and effective role in ensuring the provision of quality healthcare to all, especially to the disadvantaged and marginalized people.

BNNRC is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) accredited with World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), SDGs Media Compact of the United Nations, and UN WSIS prize winner 2016, Champion 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2021. BNNRC’s approach to media development is both knowledge-driven and context-sensitive, and it takes into account the challenges and opportunities created by the rapidly changing media environment in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Press Released:Barishal, 03 April 2022